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How to open a restaurant in Switzerland

How to Open a Restaurant in Geneva: A Guide
Would you like to open a restaurant in Switzerland, and more specifically in Geneva, but don't know where to start? Then this article is exactly what you need.
How to Open a Restaurant in Geneva: A Guide

4 Steps to Open a Restaurant in the Canton of Geneva

To open a restaurant in Switzerland, and more specifically in Geneva, you need to comply with certain rules. In this article, we'll take a look at the various stages, steps and formalities involved in opening your own business.

Step 1: Training

If you have a CFC (Certificat Fédéral de Capacité) in a culinary trade, you won't need any additional training.

Without it, the "cafetier" diploma is madatory in the restaurant business. Various organizations, such as Ifage, offer a cafetier training. The PCTN (Service de police du commerce et de lutte contre le travail au noir) organizes this examination twice a year.

This review covers federal laws on alcohol and food in general. These are supplemented by Geneva's cantonal law LRDBHD, which regulates restaurants, beverage sales, accommodation and all kinds of public events.

In addition, you'll find all the rules and regulations concerning the running of your business, from hygiene laws to the consumption of alcohol.

Step 2: Setting up the company

To open your own restaurant in Switzerland, you'll need to apply for an operating license. This can be obtained from the public establishment of the PCTN, the same organization that issues the cafetier diploma.

You have two weeks from the start of your business to register with the Consumer and Veterinary Affairs Department (SCAV).

You will also need to choose open a business. For further information, please refer to our article on the different types of businesses in Switzerland.

Brief overview of company types

Our advice

We advise you to choose a limited company, known as a Sàrl or SA. The latter are recommended because their risk is limited to the capital invested in the company.

Step 3: Compliance with legal requirements

Once you've set up your business, you'll need to comply with legal requirements concerning hygiene, both on your premises and on your equipment.

Other requirements concerning food transport, waste management and sanitary facilities must also be taken into account.

All these requirements are described in Ordinance on hygiene in food-related activities (OHyg).

Step 4: Register your business with the SCAV

The Department of Consumer and Veterinary Affairs controls the food trade in the canton of Geneva.

It is to this authority that you must declare your activity, no later than two weeks after it begins. 

It is also possible to request an inspection from this organization, to have the plans of your premises examined before you open your restaurant. This service is free of charge and can be easily requested by e-mail, simply by attaching a copy of your plans. Think about it before you embark on the final design of your premises!

If, however, you are planning to undertake construction work in preparation for the start of your business, you will have to pay for this service.

The SCAV also carries out hygiene checks and inspections. You will need to set up a self-checking procedure within your company to meet all these requirements.


In Geneva, the SCAV carries out regular hygiene inspections, in accordance with the federal law on foodstuffs. Inspection points concern :

At the end of the inspection, a report will be drawn up. This will detail any infringements and the steps to be taken to remedy them within a given timeframe.

Budget to open a restaurant in Geneva

The total cost of opening a restaurant in Geneva is estimated to be around 100,000 francs.

You need to take into account the purchase of the business, the administrative formalities involved in setting up the company (capital) and the equipment required to run your restaurant.

Opening a restaurant as a foreigner

You can open a restaurant or any other business in Geneva even if you are not a Swiss citizen.

If your country of origin is a member of the European Union, you are authorized to open your restaurant as if you were a Swiss national, by following the steps mentioned in this article, subject to certain conditions.

If, however, your country of origin is outside the EU, you may need to apply for a visa or residence permit in order to operate your catering business.

Activity from home

Contrary to popular belief, it's not impossible to run a catering business from home. You will however need to comply with the same rules listed in this article.

Home-based activities include catering and takeaway sales. However, it should be noted that home-based activities are authorized only on a one-off basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

We recommend the Sàrl or SA form, which present a lower risk.

You'll need around 100,000 francs to open a restaurant in Geneva.

You will have to notify the SCAV and register your company in the commercial register.

You have two weeks from the start of your activity to declare it to the SCAV.

A CFC in a culinary trade and/or a cafetier diploma.

The PCTN is also responsible for issuing the cafetier diploma.

The PCTN issues this authorization.
