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Family allowances in Geneva

Family allowances in Geneva
Family allowances in Geneva are financial assistance paid to families to help cover the costs of raising children. Find out more about how they work and their specific features.
Family allowances in Geneva: the essentials

Family allowances in Geneva: the essentials

Entitlement to family allowances

You are entitled to family allowances in Geneva for one child per allowance. To receive the allowance, you must meet the following conditions:

An important new feature from January 1, 2025: when employment begins or ends during the month, family allowances will be paid on a pro rata basis according to the number of days of employment.

Submit a request

To apply for family allowances in Geneva, you need to fill in a form corresponding to your professional situation.

If you are an employee or active in agricultureIf you are a salaried employee or farm worker, you will need to fill in an application form and submit it to your employer.

If you are an independent workerIf you are a self-employed worker, you will need to fill in an application form for self-employment benefit and submit it to your benefits office.

If you don't have no gainful activityyou'll need to contact a benefit fund directly.

If you are at unemploymentIf you are unemployed, you will need to contact your unemployment fund and ask to register with a family allowance fund.

You can submit your request online on the OCAS website.

Applicant's obligations

It is imperative that benefit claimants communicate any and all status change and personal information to the Caisse d'allocations familiales. This information concerns both the parent and the child and may include:

Types of family allowances in Geneva

Childbirth allowance

A childbirth and adoption allowance in Geneva is a family allowance benefit that corresponds to a single amount paid to parents in the event of a birth or adoption.

Children's allowance

The child allowance in Geneva is part of the family allowance scheme. monthly for people with one or more children aged 0 to 16. 

Training allowance

The allowance for children in training in Geneva is a family allowance for people who are responsible for one or more of the following young adults aged 16 to 25 years and undergoing training.

Training must include at least 20 hours of study per week and last at least 4 weeks. The training allowance can be paid in advance from 15 years under certain conditions

Family allowances in Geneva

Below you will find current amounts family allowances in Geneva from 1.01.2023.

Tax implications

Withholding tax

For employees taxed at source, when family allowances are paid directly to the employee by the family allowance fund, the employer must take this into account when calculating the employee's "taxable income".withholding tax and deduct it. These allowances are therefore considered part of the employee's taxable income.

Tax return is

Family allowances in Geneva are considered part of the family's income. taxable income.

Family allowances in a tax return must be entered in the category "Other income and assets" > "Allowances, subsidies, sub-allowances, ancillary earnings".

Frequently Asked Questions

In Geneva, you are entitled to family allowances if you are:

  • Employed and your gross monthly income is at least 612 francs.
  • Independent.
  • You are not in gainful employment and your gross monthly income is less than CHF 612.
  • Active in the agricultural sector.

In Geneva, family allowances are paid by theemployer or by the caisse d'allocations familiales.

Family allowances in Geneva are paid on 1st working day for the previous month.
